On 3/25/2015 10:58 AM, Pete Brunet wrote:
Thanks Phil,

On 3/25/15 11:26 AM, Phil Race wrote:
AWTEventMonitor.java has a bunch of deprecated methods.
If you don't have time now (I expect you don't) then it can be
revisited later. Open sourcing is different than binary compatibility.
These were deprecated via CCC 8007499.
The change jdk/make/copy/Copy-java.gmk suggests that accessbridge
is the only reason the closed version of the java.policy file exists.
However these files are not otherwise identical. And also implies
there'd be a corresponding closed review to remove that file.

I realise now that the list is additive, so having looked again I think this is OK.
I have no further comments on the open part of the review. Looks fine to me.


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