
You need to set up inventory "hang di duong" and ledger accounts "tai khoan 
trung gian" to record these transactions when update receipt note and packing 
slip, then offset these inventories and accounts when receive invoice.

notes: you may want to the select the updated account directly on the PO lines 
and PO header.

Hope this help.

----- Original Message ----
From: Le Quyet Thang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, May 6, 2007 4:21:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Invoice arrived before PO received

Hi Khue, 

I am using Ax 3.0. I just simulated some cases, not the real case. 


----- Original Message ----
From: kbi kbi <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>
To: Axapta-Knowledge- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com
Sent: Thursday, May 3, 2007 9:10:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Axapta-Knowledge- Village] Invoice arrived before PO received

Hi Thang,

I believe you face the case of VAS requirement, correct?

Which AX version you are running? AX 3.0 SP?? or AX 4.0?



----- Original Message ----

From: Le Quyet Thang <lethang293@ yahoo. com>

To: Axapta-Knowledge- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com

Sent: Wednesday, May 2, 2007 2:14:20 PM

Subject: Re: [Axapta-Knowledge- Village] Invoice arrived before PO received

Hi Khue,

Thank you for your reply. I know this way, but if I use Invoice journal or 
Invoice Register, I cannot see the connection between Invoice and Packing slip. 

If I use the normal way, I can see in Inquery both Packing and Invoice posting, 
but if I use your way, how can I check the posting and connection. Please show 
me how to check. Thanks.

kbi kbi <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com> wrote: Hi Thang,

You receive invoice but not yet paid, correct? Because you may want to check 
your goods before paying money to the customer.


1. When received Invoice 1st May: Dr Account Payable -- Cr Unvoucher Invoiced

Can you use AP/Payment/Invoice Journal or Invoice Register

2. When PO goods received 4th May: Dr Unvoucher invoiced -- Cr Inventory 

You can post your PO to packing slip 

Hope this help.


----- Original Message ----

From: Le Quyet Thang <lethang293@ yahoo. com>

To: Axapta-Knowledge- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com

Sent: Wednesday, May 2, 2007 11:59:54 AM

Subject: [Axapta-Knowledge- Village] Invoice arrived before PO received

Hi all,

If my company received Invoice before goods received, how can we solved because 
accountant want to record: 

1. When received Invoice 1st May: Dr Account Payable -- Cr Unvoucher Invoiced

2. When PO goods received 4th May: Dr Unvoucher invoiced -- Cr Inventory 

Similar when we deliver SO Invoice before shipping goods. Please help me how to 
resolved it in Axapta. My previous system has seperated screens recording for 
each step: PO Received, Invoice and Payment and we can matching each step later 
depend on which step arrives first . 

Thanks in advance,


zeno zoe <dynamics0309@ yahoo.co. uk> wrote: Print an Performa invoice, Untick 
the posting button while posting which would not create a Financial entry.

----- Original Message ----

From: Khurram Zaki <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>

To: Axapta-Knowledge- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com

Sent: Sunday, 15 April, 2007 12:43:43 PM

Subject: [Axapta-Knowledge- Village] Reciept/Invoice for Customer Prepayment

Hello Guys,

My client recieves advance payments against their SO sometimes even before

the SO is created in the system. They wish to issue a reciept or invoice for

that amount. I could not figure out how to print that either from Payment

Journal or SO. Can anyone help me out in that.



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