Sounds like someone ran the reimbursement feature. Its in AR - Periodic. It´s 
designed to move all negative AR balances to an AP account so that you can 
print them a refund cheque. In older versions of AX you couldn't print a chq 
from AR.  

--- In, "Sanam Khan " <sa...@...> 
> Dear All 
> I am facing a strange situation in AX 4. The problem is in Axapta
> unexpectedly  all customers who's balance in minus (Credit balance) are
> become ( debit balance) and balance showing Nill,  Further they are even
> converted to Vendors with different number sequence as a one-time supplier
> showing with it status in account payable module have different id (with Id
> 0000001_036) but as with the previous vendor we are number sequence start
> with VEND000000001.
> I don't have any idea that why system is behaving in this manner. 
> Kindly help out any help would be highly appreciated. 
> Regards,
> Sanam Khan

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