I am looking for the under mentioned solution:
a. Sales Order is created with 2 Lines of $100 and $50 respectively.
b. Line 1 has Dimension - Department A
c. Line 2 has Dimension - Department B
c. At the Sales Order Header, we can either keep Dimension - Department value 
Normally for this scenario, we get the following Journal Entry:
Customer (Department blank) - 150 (Dr)
      Revenue for Line 1 (Department A) - 100 (Cr)
      Revenue for Line 2 (Department B) -  50 (Cr)
Expectations: The expectation or the requirement is to have the AR entry 
(Customer) also dmension wise in the following manner:
Customer (Department A) - 100 (Dr)
Customer (Department B) -   50 (Dr)
   Revenue for Line 1 (Departmen A)  - 100 (Cr)
   Revenue for Line 2 (Departemnt B)  -  50 (Cr)
Please let me know if we have any configuration through which we can get this 
expected result.
Thanks in Advance


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