Are the missing warehouses perhaps associated with a different Site?

--- In, Nitesh Ranjan 
<niteshranjan...@...> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have an observation in AX 2009 Std. 
> 1)Log in to AX 2009
> 2)Go to AP
> 3)Create a PO Header
> 4)Create a PO Line (enter Item, Qty, Warehouse (Inventory Dimension))
> 5)Click PO Line -> Setup (button) -> Alt Address (option)
> 6)Alt Address form open up
> 7)Verify the data in Warehouse Tab Grid
> My observation is that, this Alt Address form is not showing all Warehouse,
> whereas it shows Warehouse in PO Line and all Warehouses created after that..
> I need to know, what is the significance of this functionality. 
> Such behaviour is not there in AX 40.
> Any light to understand this functional requirement of this feature will help 
> me lot.
> Please accept Thanks in advance for your any replies.
> Regards,
> Nitesh Ranjan

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