
| Axiom has the opportunity to be the base of computational mathematics.

When it manages to meet the needs of the working computational
mathematicians.  It cannot do that by building self-made ghetto
with an autistic attitute of the workers.

I have spoken to many people at SNC/PASCO '07.  It is incredible how
the two factors:

  (1) Axiom's history
  (2) lack of seamless integration to working computational
      mathematicians's development environment and insistance on
      relic technology

generate strong negative reactions.

We can write diatribes and pamphlets against commmercial systems and
library approches all we want, but Axiom has a hard convincing task
before it, and proving passe techniques is not going to convince
anyone when nobody is interested in or using passe techniques.

Take a look at recent research papers and have a closer look at what
people are using, are developing, what they think is the future trend
of the field. 

I have heard the following (friendly) characterization of Axiom in the
last couple of days:

  * If you're doing computer algebra for leaving, then:
      (i) Axiom lacks supports in many key areas;
     (ii) most of the Axiom algorithms are a couple of generations

  * If you're a casual user, then using Axiom is like flying a
    helicoptere to buy milk at the store next door.

With the inclusion of standard disclaimer about analogy, think about
the above.

-- Gaby

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