On Sun, 29 Jul 2007, C Y wrote:

| Um.  I can understand the lack of seamless integration, but why would
| Axiom's history cause a negative reaction?

Well, this is something one should oneself ask directly to the interested
people.  Do you believe Axiom's history is not a factor to Tim's committment
to Axiom?  The point is if you believe the history can cause
positive reaction (committment), it can also be source of negative
reaction -- some consider that they have been "burnt" many times in the past.

| As for relic technology, do you mean Axiom's current Algebra algorithms
| or use of Lisp?  Or maybe the 1980s look of Hyperdoc and graphics?

Almost all of those.

| > We can write diatribes and pamphlets against commmercial systems and
| > library approches all we want, but Axiom has a hard convincing task
| > before it, and proving passe techniques is not going to convince
| > anyone when nobody is interested in or using passe techniques.
| The idea is (eventually) to be able to develop the proof as the
| technique is being developed.
| Also, APPLIED CAS usage (e.g. Physics) won't always be inventing new
| mathematics to do what they need to do.  They need known techniques
| they can trust, to give them answers they can trust.

Yes, but the technology used in applied cas has evolved; algorithms
have been improved and Axiom is lagging two generations behind.  CAS
applications to real world problem have put pressure on improving
the knwon algorithms.  Other CASes (mostly commercial) have managed 
to integrate the work (improvements) of the working computational sciences.

| There is more than one target audience here.

Definitely.  Which is Axiom's?   I doubt it is the one that prefers 
failing or poor algorithms.

| > Take a look at recent research papers and have a closer look at what
| > people are using, are developing, what they think is the future trend
| > of the field. 
| I think it is premature to characterize the Axiom project's output - we

Indeed, Axiom has been around for only more than 2 decades.  Now, we seem
to be looking at a moving target of 30 years horizon.


| >   * If you're a casual user, then using Axiom is like flying a
| >     helicoptere to buy milk at the store next door.
| Very true.  Fortunately, Maxima exists for those cases.

Riiiight.  So, who is Axiom's audience?  
Those who are doing CAS for leaving cannot use it.  Those who are
casual users are encouraged to look elsewhere.

-- Gaby

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