On Sun, 29 Jul 2007, C Y wrote:

| --- Gabriel Dos Reis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| > On Sun, 29 Jul 2007, C Y wrote:
| > 
| > | Sure, as a commercial product.  Open source is a different
| > | ballgame;
| > 
| > What are the concrete differences?
| For one thing, there is no legal problem with fixing problems yourself
| and distributing the results to the world free of charge.

for many, that is not a practical difference -- since they are already
using commercial systems.


| Well, in my case I found Axiom only after being introduced to the idea
| of CAS on more "friendly" systems - Mathematica and Maxima.  However, I
| now understand at least in part the merit of Axiom's complexity -
| correctness is not simple.  Perhaps this means Axiom will never be a
| logical candidate for an "entry level system."

Currently, Axiom isn't.  But if its proponents are convinced that they do
should their best to chase away "novices", then the system is doomed to
premature death.


| I would say we aren't ready for use cases where people want to simply
| use the CAS without developing it in the process.

yes, but do you want Axiom to indefinitely stay in that state?

-- Gaby

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