No need to apologize. I know this is a busy time.

The ultimate goal is to replace the hyperdoc/graphics with a browser front
end using HTML canvas for the graphics. I have made a start on this but
have been busy with other things.

A possible alternative is to use the Jupyter notebook. (
I have not looked into this in detail. The student is free to talk to me
about any ideas.

I'm working on a syllabus for a CMU course which seems to differ from the
courses taught elsewhere. Almost every course spends all of its time on the
algorithms. That's fine but it leave the topic "ungrounded". The student
not know how the algorithms are actually implemented and does not know how
to build/test/modify an existing system with new work. It's a bit like
art by looking at paintings but never mentioning 90% of the subject that a
artist knows, like brushes, medium, art shows, etc. It's all nice in theory
is ultimately pointless as the student can't use the information.

In the ideal case the students would be part of a group that does real work
on a real system, just as art students end up painting and entering their
in art shows. I'm hoping to start a "reading group" that covers papers from
past as well as the latest conferences. I have a set of papers on CAD
with the Collins 1975 paper onward which I'm starting to organize.

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