
Axiom uses a program called 'tanglec' (in books/tanglec.c) to extract
'chunks' from the source pamphlet files. The tanglec program will look for

        source code goes here

so given a filename and a chunk name it will extract the chunk to stdout
which are, by default, extracted to the equivalent filename, e.g.

   tanglec bookvol10.3.pamphlet retractable?.help >retractable?.help

so the solution for output is to rename the chunk names not to use
Thus I need to change it to read:


When the lisp code is trying to find the help file named 'retractable?.help
I need to quietly mangle it to 'retractableq' and look for

This seems a simple but, as we both know, there is no such thing as a
simple job. Nevertheless, I'm working on the fix.


On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 1:11 AM, William Sit <> wrote:

> Camm, thanks for the explanation, which is way beyond my understanding. I
> get it that pathnames are more complicated than I realized.
> William
> William Sit
> Professor Emeritus
> Department of Mathematics
> The City College of The City University of New York
> New York, NY 10031
> homepage:
> ________________________________________
> From: Camm Maguire <>
> Sent: Friday, May 12, 2017 9:24 AM
> To: William Sit
> Subject: Re: [Axiom-developer] 20170401 sources
> Greetings!
> William Sit <> writes:
> > Hi, Camm:
> >
> > Isn't it true to use %3F for "?" on path and url names for html? (other
> punctuations like space %20 are commonly used as well)? If true then there
> is no need to change function names ending with "?".
> >
> Exactly what freedom a lisp implementation has in defining wild
> pathnames is an interesting question.  #'open must fail on a
> wild-pathname.  clisp and sbcl (and gcl) both recognize '*' and '?' as
> pathname wildcards.  If '?' is defined as non-wild, then of course
> #'directory will not expand it in producing its output.
> Take care,
> ============================================================
> =================
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------
> Syntax:
> wild-pathname-p pathname &optional field-key => generalized-boolean
> Arguments and Values:
> pathname---a pathname designator.
> Field-key---one of :host, :device :directory, :name, :type, :version, or
> nil.
> generalized-boolean---a generalized boolean.
> Description:
> wild-pathname-p tests pathname for the presence of wildcard components.
> If pathname is a pathname (as returned by pathname) it represents the name
> used to open the file. This may be, but is not required to be, the
> actual name of the file.
> If field-key is not supplied or nil, wild-pathname-p returns true if
> pathname has any wildcard components, nil if pathname has none. If field-key
> is non-nil, wild-pathname-p returns true if the indicated component of
> pathname is a wildcard, nil if the component is not a wildcard.
> Examples:
>  ;;;The following examples are not portable.  They are written to run
>  ;;;with particular file systems and particular wildcard conventions.
>  ;;;Other implementations will behave differently.  These examples are
>  ;;;intended to be illustrative, not to be prescriptive.
>  (wild-pathname-p (make-pathname :name :wild)) =>  true
>  (wild-pathname-p (make-pathname :name :wild) :name) =>  true
>  (wild-pathname-p (make-pathname :name :wild) :type) =>  false
>  (wild-pathname-p (pathname "s:>foo>**>")) =>  true ;Lispm
>  (wild-pathname-p (pathname :name "F*O")) =>  true ;Most places
> Affected By: None.
> Exceptional Situations:
> If pathname is not a pathname, a string, or a stream associated with a
> file an error of type type-error is signaled.
> See Also:
> pathname, logical-pathname, Section 20.1 (File System Concepts), Section
> 19.1.2 (Pathnames as Filenames)
> Notes:
> Not all implementations support wildcards in all fields. See Section
> (:WILD as a Component Value) and Section (Restrictions
> on
> Wildcard Pathnames).
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------
> ============================================================
> =================
> > William
> >
> > William Sit
> > Professor Emeritus
> > Department of Mathematics
> > The City College of The City University of New York
> > New York, NY 10031
> > homepage:
> >
> > ________________________________________
> > From: Axiom-developer <
>> on behalf of Camm Maguire <>
> > Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2017 12:53 PM
> > To: Tim Daly
> > Cc: axiom-dev
> > Subject: [Axiom-developer] 20170401 sources
> >
> > Hi Tim!  Congratulations on releasing a new set of sources!
> >
> > There is an issue with your '.help files from lisp' mechanism in
> > tangle.lisp.  You end up trying to open files like
> > "..../retractable?.help" which is not ansi, as the pathname is wild.
> > I'm building a patched version with '?' -> 'q' on help file writing,
> > but I do not immediately see where to update the help system on
> > reading.
> >
> > Perhaps you have a suggestion?
> >
> > Take care, and thanks again for all your axiom work!
> > --
> > Camm Maguire
> > ============================================================
> ==============
> > "The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."  --
> Baha'u'llah
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Axiom-developer mailing list
> >
> >
> nongnu.org_mailman_listinfo_axiom-2Ddeveloper&d=DgICAg&c=
> 4NmamNZG3KTnUCoC6InoLJ6KV1tbVKrkZXHRwtIMGmo&r=
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> aa4RLxHkI6-ZKuJRFQihfSw&e=
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Camm Maguire                              
> ==========================================================================
> "The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."  --  Baha'u'llah
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