Hello all,
   I'm a Second Year student of Computer Science at the Indian
 Institute of Technology, Roorkee and I'm interested in pursuing a GSoC
 project with the ASF. Though I have no experience with Axis and Axiom,
 I have programming experience in C/C++ and other scripting languages
 and have practical experience with XML and its related technologies.

   The posting on the ideas page
 regarding an implementation of the XPath specification for Axiom did
 not detail the nature of integration expected with the rest of the
 code base. Would it be simply (so to speak) a free-floating component
 or be integrated with some of the other parts of the Axis or Axiom
 code? Also, what kind of XML handling support is already integrated
 into Axiom?
   Please bear with me if my questions seem naive.

 Yours sincerely,
 Divye Kapoor

Whether the chicken crossed the road or the road moved beneath the
chicken depends upon your frame of reference.
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