Hi Divye,

 XPath expression evaluation is a major missing part of Axiom C
implementation, and it is a really good GSOC project. So glad to see
you are interested in that.

Answering to your questions according to my knowledge, XPath
implementation will be depend on axis2 util  and axiom project and
will be part of axiom. You can check this for a good axiom/c

Axiom is given a xml reader/writer api so the complexities of xml
parsing is hidden from the Axiom, And this allow us to integrate many
xml parsers to the axiom, currently we have guththila and libxml2
intergrated. So in the xpath implementation you will be working on top
of axiom or the xml reader API, I think this depends on your design.

In the same time you  can use the axiom/java[2] XPath implementation
as a reference. And it is really important you follow that, since
axiom/c is a reimplementation of axiom/java.

[1] http://ws.apache.org/axis2/c/docs/om_tutorial.html
[2] http://ws.apache.org/commons/axiom/


On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 5:22 PM, Divye Kapoor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all,
>    I'm a Second Year student of Computer Science at the Indian
>   Institute of Technology, Roorkee and I'm interested in pursuing a GSoC
>   project with the ASF. Though I have no experience with Axis and Axiom,
>   I have programming experience in C/C++ and other scripting languages
>   and have practical experience with XML and its related technologies.
>    The posting on the ideas page
>   regarding an implementation of the XPath specification for Axiom did
>   not detail the nature of integration expected with the rest of the
>   code base. Would it be simply (so to speak) a free-floating component
>   or be integrated with some of the other parts of the Axis or Axiom
>   code?

Also, what kind of XML handling support is already integrated
>   into Axiom?
>    Please bear with me if my questions seem naive.
>   Yours sincerely,
>   Divye Kapoor
>  --
>  Whether the chicken crossed the road or the road moved beneath the
>  chicken depends upon your frame of reference.
>  My official web site: 
> http://www.iitr.ernet.in/studenthomepages/homepages/061305
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