Hi Kapoor,
IMO its better to document your API in a wiki. Something like this[1] we added for Apache Rampart/C. In that way other devs can also participate in the discussion and nobody will be lost in a mail thread. I think the page should be under http://wiki.apache.org/ws/axiom. (Devs please verify). Also I'd like to suggest you to use the util[2] section available in Axis2/C.
In your function

axiom_xpath_parse(axiom_xpath_context *ctx, const char * xpath_str, int len)

You may use axis2_char_t* in place of (const char * xpath_str, int len )

Also it provides error handling, logging, data structures and other useful utilities you can easily use in your XPath implementation. I think you are moving in the right direction. it's better to use Java implementation as a reference as you might not need to pull your hair out for already solved problems. For the automated testing, I'd rather suggest that you create your own test cases. And run(or automate) them while developing. At least that's what I did.

Good luck!!!



Divye Kapoor wrote:
Hello all,
   Thank you for the clarifications. I'm sorry for the late reply as I
was travelling back to college from my hometown.

First of all, while implementing the XPath specification, I would like
to create a family of functions with a signature set like:
axiom_xpath_parse(axiom_xpath_context *ctx, const char * xpath_str, int len)
where an axiom_xpath_context structure will contain an
axiom_xml_reader_t * and other assorted contextual info.

axiom_xpath_*(...) functions have to be implemented according to


so that I can stick to the java behaviour of Axiom.

While implementing this behaviour, the only thing that I will have to
depend upon will be the parser abstraction layer specified by the
axiom_xml_reader.c and axiom_xml_writer.c

1. This is the gist of what I've gathered from this discussion. Am I
proceeding in the right direction?

2. Also, what kind of automated testing is being used for code
proofing? I would rather build a small and correct implementation
rather than a buggy implementation of a larger subset of the api.

Looking for your guidance and comments,

Divye Kapoor


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