Hello everyone,

I have run in to an issue which I can't seem to figure out. In my init
method in the service skeleton I call the initialization routine of one of
the libraries that my web service uses. I notice in my logs that the library
initialization function is being called 8 times. This corresponds to the
number of apache processes that are running.

This is causing a lot of issues because I was under the impression that my
web service init function is called only once when the first request comes
in. My library sets up some resources which I want to share among all
processes. Can this be done?

In Axis2/Java there is a way to specify scope for the webservice (request,
session, application) in the services.xml file? can something similar be
done in Axis2/c? I took a look at the axis2c code and saw that there is an
enum called axis2_scope defined. Is it used for the same purpose as in

Thanks for any help.


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