Hi Rahil,

Yes, your service is ready to be used from a .NET client. But, you don't
get a WSDL generated.

This is because you can't generate wsdl files from C code by simply using
the Axis2/C distribution. I'm however not aware of any 3rd party tools. We
do have WSDL to C code generation only. Thus, if you want to get a WSDL,
auto generated, for the moment, you will have to code your service (just
the methods without any code in it; the skeleton in other words) in
another language, say like Java or C#.NET, and get the WSDL. Then, you can
use this WSDL to generate C code using the codegen tool. Several users
have chosen this approach.

If not, you will have to manually write a WSDL file. This is also not that
much of a hard job to do. We have some sample WSDLs in the test/resources

I strongly believe that a C code to WSDL tool is necessary. Looking
forward to have this included in the near future.


> Hello Senaka,
> Thanks very much for your reply. I have some confusion, pls clarify it:
> - I want to  deploy a web-service; I will follow these steps
>       + write a code and implement these functions (Service operation,
> hello_init, hello_invoke, hello_on_fault, hello_free,
> axis2_get_instance and axis2_remove_instance) and write a
> service.xml
>       + I compiled that source and put it in the axis2c/service/Myservice
> folder. (libMyservice.so, service.xml)
>       + Now I restart apache web server.(I have tried this with
>         "axis2_http_server" as well. And access this
> URI("http://ip-address/asix2/services";)
> - After following these steps is my service ready to be used by any
> .Net or other client?
> - If yes then I am having some problems. Because the client cannot access
> the .wsdl file for that service, and the browser only displays the service
> name and available functions, no Hyper-links like the one showed in
> AXIS/Java tutorial. Pls see the output of the browser from my previous
> email.
> - I believe that there must be some tool which will create the .wsdl for
> any
> service that I write.
> - Am I missing anything here.
> Please help me get the clear picture of AXIS2/C web service deployment.
> Thanks & Regards,
> Rahil Ali
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Senaka Fernando [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2008 10:29 PM
> To: Apache AXIS C User List
> Subject: Re: Problem with Service deployed
> Hi Rahil,
> We do have support for displaying static .wsdl files. But, the issue is we
> don't simply publish the .wsdl file. For the moment, you can find the
> required .wsdl file in the test/resources/wsdl/ folder.
> I have started a discussion on the developer list regarding this concern,
> [1]. Hope to have this issue fixed soon.
> [1] http://marc.info/?l=axis-c-dev&m=120481700919297&w=2
> Regards,
> Senaka
>> Hello everyone,
>> I have configured AXIS2/C with apache2 web server. I compiled calculator
>> sample with the following command:
>> "gcc -shared -olibCalculator.o -I/usr/local/axis2c/include/axis2-1.3.0
>> -L$AXIS2C_HOME/lib -laxutil -laxis2_axiom -laxis2_parser -laxis2_engine
>> -lpthread -laxis2_http_sender -laxis2_http_receiver calc.c"
>> Now when I access it through Internet explorer :
>> it displays :
>> Deployed Services
>> Calculator
>> This is a testing service, named 'Calculator' to test dynamic client
>> Available Operations
>> *    div
>> *    add
>> *    sub
>> *    mul
>> Problem is when I try to access its WSDL file by adding "?wsdl" at the
>> end
>> of URL it gives an error:
>> The XML page cannot be displayed
>> Cannot view XML input using style sheet. Please correct the error and
>> then
>> click the Refresh <javascript:location.reload()>  button, or try again
>> later.
>>   _____
>> Invalid at the top level of the document. Error processing resource
>> ''. ...
>> Unable to retreive wsdl for this service
>> ^
>> When I tried to add this as a web-reference in VS.Net it displayed "The
>> document does not contain Web service discovery information.".
>> Please help me where I am doing wrong.
>> Regards,
>> Rahil Ali
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