If you want to interop with ease with .NET, the best is that you start with a WSDL, use that to code gen for service and statically server the WSDL form service. In short, you have to use contract first mode. What you are trying is the code first model, that is hard to get it working with interop mode.


Rahil Ali wrote:
Hi Senaka

Another questions:
I am using the Calculator sample comes with AXIS2/C. the signature of the
functions is :
                axiom_node_t *axis2_calc_add(
                    const axutil_env_t * env,
                    axiom_node_t * node);

                axiom_node_t *axis2_calc_sub(
                    const axutil_env_t * env,
                    axiom_node_t * node);

                axiom_node_t *axis2_calc_mul(
                    const axutil_env_t * env,
                    axiom_node_t * node);

                axiom_node_t *axis2_calc_div(
                    const axutil_env_t * env,
                    axiom_node_t * node);

How can I use these in .Net to generate WSDL or even if I am writing on
myself what datatypes should I be entering in the WSDL? Do I have to write
the basic functions like (calc_init, calc_invoke,.. .etc) in the WSDL file.
I cannot find any test folder under my axis2c installation folder.

Thanks for your prompt response.
Rahil Ali

-----Original Message-----
From: Senaka Fernando [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, March 07, 2008 1:00 PM
To: axis-c-user@ws.apache.org
Subject: RE: Problem with Service deployed

Hi Rahil,

Yes, your service is ready to be used from a .NET client. But, you don't
get a WSDL generated.

This is because you can't generate wsdl files from C code by simply using
the Axis2/C distribution. I'm however not aware of any 3rd party tools. We
do have WSDL to C code generation only. Thus, if you want to get a WSDL,
auto generated, for the moment, you will have to code your service (just
the methods without any code in it; the skeleton in other words) in
another language, say like Java or C#.NET, and get the WSDL. Then, you can
use this WSDL to generate C code using the codegen tool. Several users
have chosen this approach.

If not, you will have to manually write a WSDL file. This is also not that
much of a hard job to do. We have some sample WSDLs in the test/resources

I strongly believe that a C code to WSDL tool is necessary. Looking
forward to have this included in the near future.


Hello Senaka,

Thanks very much for your reply. I have some confusion, pls clarify it:
- I want to  deploy a web-service; I will follow these steps
        + write a code and implement these functions (Service operation,
hello_init, hello_invoke, hello_on_fault, hello_free,
axis2_get_instance and axis2_remove_instance) and write a
        + I compiled that source and put it in the axis2c/service/Myservice
folder. (libMyservice.so, service.xml)
        + Now I restart apache web server.(I have tried this with

          "axis2_http_server" as well. And access this

- After following these steps is my service ready to be used by any
.Net or other client?

- If yes then I am having some problems. Because the client cannot access
the .wsdl file for that service, and the browser only displays the service
name and available functions, no Hyper-links like the one showed in
AXIS/Java tutorial. Pls see the output of the browser from my previous

- I believe that there must be some tool which will create the .wsdl for
service that I write.

- Am I missing anything here.

Please help me get the clear picture of AXIS2/C web service deployment.

Thanks & Regards,
Rahil Ali

-----Original Message-----
From: Senaka Fernando [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2008 10:29 PM
To: Apache AXIS C User List
Subject: Re: Problem with Service deployed

Hi Rahil,

We do have support for displaying static .wsdl files. But, the issue is we
don't simply publish the .wsdl file. For the moment, you can find the
required .wsdl file in the test/resources/wsdl/ folder.

I have started a discussion on the developer list regarding this concern,
[1]. Hope to have this issue fixed soon.

[1] http://marc.info/?l=axis-c-dev&m=120481700919297&w=2


Hello everyone,

I have configured AXIS2/C with apache2 web server. I compiled calculator
sample with the following command:

"gcc -shared -olibCalculator.o -I/usr/local/axis2c/include/axis2-1.3.0
-L$AXIS2C_HOME/lib -laxutil -laxis2_axiom -laxis2_parser -laxis2_engine
-lpthread -laxis2_http_sender -laxis2_http_receiver calc.c"

Now when I access it through Internet explorer : it displays :

Deployed Services


This is a testing service, named 'Calculator' to test dynamic client

Available Operations

*       div
*       add
*       sub
*       mul

Problem is when I try to access its WSDL file by adding "?wsdl" at the
of URL it gives an error:

The XML page cannot be displayed

Cannot view XML input using style sheet. Please correct the error and
click the Refresh <javascript:location.reload()>  button, or try again


Invalid at the top level of the document. Error processing resource
''. ...

Unable to retreive wsdl for this service


When I tried to add this as a web-reference in VS.Net it displayed "The
document does not contain Web service discovery information.".

Please help me where I am doing wrong.


Rahil Ali

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