On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 3:27 PM, cara <pinkgran...@gmail.com> wrote:

> umm ... fun? ... I don't know ... it's 'enterprise plumbing' ...

I am one of those strange people that enjoys plumbing.  The project I
am using Axis2/C on is a side thing for me that consists of a whole
host of languages:  .Net 2.0 (still, need to upgrade to 3.5), PHP5 &
JavaScript, Apache C Module, and Microsoft ATL framework.  Of it all I
enjoy the Apache C Module and the ATL (with is simply a C++ framework)
the best.  The C#.Net is fine, that is what I code in at my day job,
hate the PHP and JavaScript.

For the record, the Axis2/C code is replacing the PHP5 and Silverlight
is replacing the JavaScript and HTML on the frontend.

> If you start using java, buy XMLSpy ... it's worth it! I think it generates
> M$ C code though ...

Yea, have used it in the past and it is a great tool.  I just cannot
justify the cost of the Enterprise Edition for this project.  Besides
it looks like the WSDL functionality in the version I played with on
Monday is not as friendly as in the Eclipse WSDL editor.

What specifically about XMLSpy makes you mention it?  If it can
replace the crappy WSDL2C, than I would seriously consider it!  It
bugs me how WSDL2C does not generate "safe" string functions and
VS2008 gives me all these warnings.  I think I might get into the Java
code and fix that, but first I need to figure out if this "safe"
string function is a Microsoft thing or a new C standard thing, then I
need to learn how to setup the Java environment, and finally I need to
learn what it takes to submit the changes back to the Axis2/Java


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