If you really want to have hardcoded endpoints etc. then the solution is to host those samples somewhere and have some automated execution of those against Axis2 nightly builds.

Its not acceptable to commit into the ASF repo some code that is only designed to work against some WebSphere samples. (Is this an IBM question or a 3rd party who wants to do it? Sorry I don't recognize your name and you didn't use an @ibm.com email.)


Andrew Das wrote:
Hi David,
Thanks for the quick response. The samples we intend to add are specifically designed and customized for WebSphere services. I am not certain the current Axis2 samples will work. Additionally, I can foresee future changes to the WebSphere sample clients based on API/spec changes, so mucking with the Axis2 samples would not be a good idea. Finally, our endpoints will be hardcoded and we need to have enough flexibility to change those in the future.

Not sure if my response helped. As I mentioned earlier, we are looking for the best way to accomplish WebSphere interoperability. Therefore I am open to new suggestions if it will help us integrate with Axis2 and satisfy our goals.


On 10/19/07, *David Illsley* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Hi Andrew,
    It's not entirely clear to me what you're trying to do... are you
    looking to add client and service samples into the axis2 build which
    you can then run against WebSphere? If so, how do the existing Axis2
    samples[1] match up to what you're looking for?

    On 19/10/2007, Andrew Das <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
     > Hello,
     > We are looking to identify a strategy to inject basic samples
    into the
     > Apache Axis2 build tree. The purpose of the samples will be to test
     > interoperability with the WebSphere WS Feature Pack services.
     > we are also interested in testing Quality of services using the
    same samples
     > integrated in the Axis2 source. Could you please advise on what's
    the best
     > way to accomplish this? Thanks.
     > --
     > Regards,
     > Andrew Das

    David Illsley - IBM Web Services Development

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Andrew Das

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