On Dec 14, 2007 4:20 PM, Eran Chinthaka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Wesley,
> One note here. Never ask what REST is and try to compare that with WS or
> SOAP in particular. 100 people will come up with 100 different ideas
> about it. Pure REST is still in the philosophical stage and everyone
> thinks on their own. Anyway I have no intention to get in to the REST war.

Yesterday I was talking with a friend (a phd student from my lab) and he has
the same opinion.

> If you are getting in to a new field and trying to understand new
> domain, it will be bit harder for you to understand what it means. So
> try to follow some guidelines Nick and Sanjiva proposed, like reading
> the JSR and also googling. I hope you will find articles on Axis2 + Rest
> + WSDL 2.0 at least.

Now I am doing this. As you said it is a new field for me, and I trying to
understand this better.

> Another way to help us is, read our docs and see what is missing, what
> is complex and what is still not working. All the devs here have seen
> those docs thousand times or do not bother to look at them coz all of
> these people here total geeks. So we really want different and fresh
> perspectives on our code.
> Perhaps you can start answering vast amount of questions in axis-user
> list. Since you are a CS student, you have a better knowledge reading
> code than some of the users. You can help answering those people.
> Look at our JIRA, you might see some low hanging issues which you can
> fix easily. Especially if there are issues with test cases, run them,
> identify the problem and debug to see where the problem is and try to
> fix it.

For now I am trying to to get o better view of Axis2 structure before send
any opinion or suggestion. So, when I get better I´ll can give my opinion
and contribute to the project.

> Those methods are how you can help us and also will earn you the way to
> get the prestigious committership in Apache Web services project which
> will come handy on your CV.


> Good luck.
> Chinthaka
> Wesley Mesquita wrote:
> > "Do you mean to say that since REST request data is sent in pure XML
> > that we can use well-known existing XML technologies like STAX, SAX, and
> > DOM?'
> >
> > I thought this.
> >
> > I agree that is a good initiative, make the WS development free of
> > underlying technologies, but this means changing the model that we work
> > (and think) today, is there any "plan" to make this popular? That is,
> > how to make developers adopt RESTful model?
> >
> > On Dec 10, 2007 1:08 AM, Dustin Amrhein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
> >
> >     You are correct in saying that REST web services are a departure
> >     from the SOAP-centric web services that the Apache Axis architecture
> >     is built to support. What exactly do you mean by lower-level APIs in
> >     place of SOAP though? Do you mean to say that since REST request
> >     data is sent in pure XML that we can use well-known existing XML
> >     technologies like STAX, SAX, and DOM? Or, are you referring to
> >     something else?
> >
> >     Thanks,
> >     Dustin Amrhein
> >     Web Services Development, IBM
> >
> >
> >
> >     */Wesley Mesquita <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>/* wrote:
> >
> >         So, as I understood, REST goes in a different way from that we
> >         are dealing with WS today  in the sense that we wouldn´t deppend
> >         of technologies like SOAP, and explore Java lower level APIs, is
> >         this right?
> >
> >         On Dec 7, 2007 12:45 PM, Nicholas L Gallardo
> >         <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
> >
> >             Wesley,
> >
> >             Here's the page for the JSR.
> http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=311
> >
> >             As Sanjiva mentioned, the JSR is still in progress so
> >             there's potential for what you see today to be different by
> >             the time the spec is complete. Take a look at the JSR and I
> >             guess just start asking questions.
> >
> >             Before diving into that JSR though, I would Google around
> >             and become familiar with the concepts of REST. That will
> >             help put some of the JSR lingo into context. Another thing
> >             you could do to get familiar with the concept is to build a
> >             REST service/client using the existing Axis2 APIs.
> >
> >             Please ask away if you have any questions.
> >
> >             Cheers,
> >
> >             -Nick
> >
> >
> >             Inactive hide details for "Wesley Mesquita"
> >             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Wesley Mesquita" <
> >             [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
> >
> >
> >                                     *"Wesley Mesquita"
> >                                     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >                                     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>*
> >                                     12/06/2007 03:25 PM
> >                                     Please respond to
> >                                     axis-dev@ws.apache.org
> >                                     <mailto:axis-dev@ws.apache.org>
> >
> >
> >
> >             To
> >
> >             axis-dev@ws.apache.org <mailto:axis-dev@ws.apache.org>
> >
> >             cc
> >
> >
> >             Subject
> >
> >             Re: Axis2 architecture documentation
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >             Interesting, I know a little bit of the concepts of REST
> >             arch, but I´ve never worked with JSR. If you can tell me
> >             where to start I can learn more about this, and I´ll try to
> >             do something in the implementation.
> >
> >             Wesley.
> >
> >             On Dec 6, 2007 11:54 AM, Sanjiva Weerawarana <
> >             [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
> wrote:
> >
> >                   How about implementing JSR-311? That's the new REST
> >                   annotations JSR.
> >
> >                   Its a new feature, so its relatively easy .. but u'll
> >                   need the deployment
> >                   architecture etc.. But its a fun project and will be
> >                   useful when done (the
> >                   JSR is still in progress).
> >
> >                   Sanjiva.
> >
> >                   Wesley Mesquita wrote:
> >                    >
> >                    >
> >                    > On Dec 6, 2007 7:31 AM, David Illsley <
> >                   [EMAIL PROTECTED] _ <mailto:
> >                    > <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >                   <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>> wrote:
> >                    >
> >                    > Hi Wesley, It's great to have someone interested in
> >                   working on Axis2.
> >                    > Welcome. I guess I'd suggest you try to 'scratch an
> >                   itch'. You mention
> >                    > you've been using Axis2.... is there anything that
> >                   was really hard to
> >                    > do?
> >                    >
> >                    >
> >                    > Well, there some people in my lab (
> >                   _www.lis.ic.unicamp.br_ <http://www.lis.ic.unicamp.br/
> >
> >                    > <_http://www.lis.ic.unicamp.br _
> >                   <http://www.lis.ic.unicamp.br/>>) that have used Axis
> >                   1.x in their works
> >                    > (I know tree MScs that used) , and during the last
> >                   three months I have
> >                    > tried to use Axis2 to create Web Services from java
> >                   classes. I explored
> >                    > better the POJO method and I did some scripts to
> >                   automatize the aar
> >                    > packages creation. My objective is allow the users
> >                   to send their classes
> >                    > and the service will be deployed in Axis2
> >                   environment. I made just
> >                    > simple tests, but I think I´ll have problems in
> >                   more complex classes
> >                    > (using serialization, attachments and so on). But
> >                   my new challenge is to
> >                    > find an easy way to create clients. I am exploring
> >                   the methods described
> >                    > in the site but I still didn´t find this "easy
> way."
> >                    >
> >                    > Anything you found you couldn't do that you'd like
> >                   to be able to
> >                    >
> >                    > do?
> >                    > David
> >                    >
> >                    >
> >                    > I was able (in a hard or simple way) to do
> >                   everything I needed. But,
> >                    > like in almost all projects I´ll find something
> >                   that I can´t do, but,
> >                    > for now, I don´t know what is this :).
> >                    >
> >                    > thanks,
> >                    >
> >                    > Wesley
> >                    >
> >                    >
> >                    > On Dec 5, 2007 2:56 PM, Wesley Mesquita <
> >                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >                   <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >                    > <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >                   <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>> wrote:
> >                    > > I have never worked in a Open Source project, so
> >                   I don't know how
> >                    > to get
> >                    > > really involved just seeing the JIRA's messages,
> >                   because I still
> >                    > dont have a
> >                    > > good view of the areas that these problems are
> >                   associated. For
> >                    > now, I would
> >                    > > like to get simple tasks (in a small or big
> >                   "thing"). The best
> >                    > would be if
> >                    > > someone can tell me an area to get involved
> >                   (study documentation,
> >                    > code) and
> >                    > > so, try to develop sometrhing.
> >                    > >
> >                    > > Thanks.
> >                    > >
> >                    > >
> >                    > >
> >                    > > On Dec 5, 2007 12:44 PM, Sanjiva Weerawarana
> >                    > < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >                   <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <mailto: _
> >                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >                   <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>> wrote:
> >                    > > >
> >                    > > > Wesley Mesquita wrote:
> >                    > > > > Hi everybody,
> >                    > > > >
> >                    > > > > I am using Axis2 in my scientific work at
> >                   University, and
> >                    > will be very
> >                    > > > > useful the documentation about the
> >                   architecture of Axis2. I
> >                    > looked at
> >                    > > > > the site and I didn't found anything like
> this.
> >                    > > > >
> >                    > > > > PS : Are there any open problems in axis2 or
> >                   anything
> >                    > specific that you
> >                    > > > > (the developers team) want people to work ? I
> >                   am looking for
> >                    > a open
> >                    > > > > source project to work in my summer vacation.
> >                    > > >
> >                    > > > There's a bunch of areas that you can work on!
> >                   Do you feel like
> >                    > doing a
> >                    > > > small thing or something "large"? The best way
> >                   is to look at
> >                    > some of the
> >                    > > > pending JIRAs and tackle some small things to
> >                   get started on.
> >                    > > >
> >                    > > > If you want specific big ideas holler again and
> >                   I'll come up
> >                    > with some
> >                    > > items!
> >                    > > >
> >                    > > > Sanjiva.
> >                    > > > --
> >                    > > > Sanjiva Weerawarana, Ph.D.
> >                    > > > Founder & Director; Lanka Software Foundation;
> >                    > _http://www.opensource.lk/_
> >                    > > > Founder, Chairman & CEO; WSO2, Inc.;
> >                   _http://www.wso2.com/ _ <http://www.wso2.com/>
> >                    > > > Member; Apache Software Foundation;
> >                   _http://www.apache.org/_
> >                    > > > Visiting Lecturer; University of Moratuwa;
> >                    > _http://www.cse.mrt.ac.lk/_
> >                    > > >
> >                    > > >
> >                    >
> >
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> >                    > > > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
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> >                    > > > For additional commands, e-mail:
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> >                    > > >
> >                    > > >
> >                    > >
> >                    > >
> >                    > >
> >                    > > --
> >                    > > Wesley Mesquita
> >                    > > LIS/IC - UNICAMP
> >                    > > [skype: wesley.mesquita]
> >                    >
> >                    >
> >                    >
> >                    > --
> >                    > David Illsley - IBM Web Services Development
> >                    >
> >                    >
> >
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> >                    > To unsubscribe, e-mail: _
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> >                    >
> >                    >
> >                    >
> >                    >
> >                    > --
> >                    > Wesley Mesquita
> >                    > LIS/IC - UNICAMP
> >                    > [skype: wesley.mesquita]
> >
> >                   --
> >                   Sanjiva Weerawarana, Ph.D.
> >                   Founder & Director; Lanka Software Foundation;
> >                   _http://www.opensource.lk/_
> >                   Founder, Chairman & CEO; WSO2, Inc.; _
> >                   http://www.wso2.com/_
> >                   Member; Apache Software Foundation;
> >                   _http://www.apache.org/_
> >                   Visiting Lecturer; University of Moratuwa;
> >                   _http://www.cse.mrt.ac.lk/_
> >
> >
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >                   To unsubscribe, e-mail:
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> >
> >
> >
> >
> >             --
> >             Wesley Mesquita
> >             LIS/IC - UNICAMP
> >             [skype: wesley.mesquita]
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >         --
> >         Wesley Mesquita
> >         LIS/IC - UNICAMP
> >         [skype: wesley.mesquita]
> >
> >
> >
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> >
> > --
> > Wesley Mesquita
> > [skype: wesley.mesquita]
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Wesley Mesquita
[skype: wesley.mesquita]

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