Eran Chinthaka wrote:
> I also agree with David here.
> Nandana, can you please explain why you need to hard code security
> phases in to axis2.xml? Does this mean we need to have n number of
> phases if Axis2 is supporting n WS-* spcs? 
Yes for the most commonally used module like Addressing , Sandesha and
> If that is the case then I feel there is something wrong with Axis2
> architecture itself.
> I like/prefer to keep Axis2 to the minimum. I for one, and believe
> most of other users, do not bother to use security at this time. I can
> quote you very large scientific systems working with Axis2 without
> WS-Security but with just transport level security. 
Yes I do agree with you , but just having security phase in the chain
will do nothing unless you have handlers in the phase.
> Why do we wanna have some set of phases, which I never need, hard
> coded in to the system.
> I know, our security guru (you know who he is ;) ) will tell me that
> it is not a harm to add one more phase in to Axis2. But why do we
> wanna hack the system, without properly implementing it with dynamic
> phases or whatever it is.
I strongly believed and believe dynamic phase rules  are more than what
we want , its better if we can find a simple solution than that.


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