> Hi Sanjiva:
> Sanjiva Weerawarana wrote:
>> Deepal, so just so I understand - are you saying you *don't* want to
>> keep Axiom with Axis2?
> I'm not sure about Deepal, but I don't in fact think keeping Axiom
> under the Axis2 project (yes, even despite the acronym :)) makes
> sense.  In my version of the "new world order", Axis2 and the
> components that are *Axis2-specific* (i.e. cannot profitably be used
> outside Axis2) should be in the Axis2 project.  The stuff that is
> reusable and more generally focused (i.e. Axiom, Neethi, XmlSchema,
> etc) should IMO remain in WS so it can continue to be shared.
> If we're talking about moving Axiom/Neethi/etc., then it really is
> pretty much s/Web Services/Axis2/g and I wouldn't be in favor of that.
+1 .I understand what you mean , yes they should not come under Axis2 ,
and in fact we should try to get Axiom as a TLP (im not sure about Neethi).

> --Glen
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