I haven't been using Axis all that long either.  However I don't think Axis
itself can run on a port.  Thus the application fighting over port 8080 would
be your servlet container.  Are you starting Tomcat via an Eclipse plugin?

hope it helps,


> Hi Everyone.  This is my first time e-mailing this list, because the
> documentation out there for this project has been fantastic!  (Thanks to the
> Axis and Eclipse participants).
> I have built a self-contained web application (service) that implements the
> Axis libraries.  I have another webapplication that I would like to be able
> to run on the same application server that talks to this custom axis service
> to send messages back and forth to my client.  It seems that the two
> applications are fighting over the default port 8080.  I have confirmed this
> by installing the 2 webservices on different machines, and the solution
> works great.  I know it must be a simple solution, but I can't find out
> anywhere how to change the port that Axis runs as.
> Thanks!
> Jeff

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