Really, how? Do I annotate the methods or something? How does the Java2WSDL generate a WSDL that reflects the constraints on my pojo?

On 11/22/05, Ron Reynolds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
that sort of info is normally contained in the XSD and embedded into the code
via WSDL2Java...  you're trying to change a WSDD so that the generated WSDL's
XSD has requirements that aren't mirrored in the original WSDL from which the
WSDD was generated? :-?  from what i've seen the client-side validation is
embedded into the client-side stub code and that also is extracted from the
WSDL/XSD from which it was generated.

> Pardon my noobiness, but I've googled the hell out of this to no avail. Is
> there a way to specify required properties in the wsdd file so that the
> schema gets generated accordingly? All I want to do is specify required
> elements so that the validation can occur at XML validation time before
> hitting the code.
> Thanks,
> T

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