Is Axis 1.3 suitable for a production environment? And is it the most suitable Axis version for a production environment?

I ask because some very, very basic things appear to cause major headaches:

1. exceptions descending from java.rmi.RemoteException (as per the Axis sample NoSuchEmployeeFault) cause java2wsdl to report "The class java.lang.Throwable is defined in a java or javax package and cannot be converted into an xml schema type. An xml schema anyType will be used to define this class in the wsdl file."

2. you have to jump through hoops to avoid intermediate ArrayOfxxxx classes.

3. Boolean parameters to operations appear to be converted to intrinsic booleans (note lowercase) in an Axis client so you can only pass true/false when you need to be able to pass true/false/null.

4. major bugs raised in Jira over a year before the release of Axis 1.3 final have not yet been fixed (e.g. the bug in AxisHTTPSessionListener::destroySession whereby *no* Axis sessions are being destroyed correctly).

Don't want to sound negative, just want to know if I'm fighting a losing battle using Axis 1.3.


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