
the values should be set to true:
antiJARLocking="true" antiResourceLocking="true"



Michele Mazzucco wrote:
> Hi Anamitra,
> I think you have to do a little more ;). Open
> $CATALINA_HOME/conf/context.xml and at the following attributes at top
> level:
> reloadable="true" antiJARLocking="false" antiResourceLocking="false"
> Michele
>> Hi
>> I have modified my axis2.repository path and the axis2.xml path to point to
>> my local dirs and have successfully deployed a service dynamically [by
>> dropping the aar file under the services folder]. But if I delete that file
>> I am not seeing that getting undeployed and not sure if I have to call some
>> axis api to let the axis know that it has been deleted so that axis can
>> undeploy the service. I have
>>     <parameter name="hotdeployment" locked="false">true</parameter>
>>     <parameter name="hotupdate" locked="false">false</parameter>
>> in my axis2.xml. I have tried making the hotupdate to true without any
>> success. Is this a bug or I have to do more to get a service undeployed
>> dynamically.
>> thanks
>> Anamitra
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