Perhaps I am doing something wrong, but the WSDL that Axis2 v1.0 is generating 
is unusable because it adds message parts that are not in the class.  The same 
class in Axis 1.4 generates it clean.

For example, for the sample class:
public class TestAxis {
    public String getDate(){
        return new java.util.Date().toString();
Axis2 generates
<wsdl:message name="getDateMessage">
    <wsdl:part element="ns0:getDate" name="part1" />
<wsdl:message name="getDateResponse">
    <wsdl:part element="ns0:getDateResponse" name="part1" />

Looking at the original code, there should not be any message for the 
getDateMessage input.  Basically it seems to assume that everything is coming 
in as an OEMessage data type.

This makes integration with non-axis2 clients next to impossible.  For example 
if Visual Studio .NET 2003 points to that WSDL file, the stubs it generates 
require an input parameter (which the method should not require), and since it 
is an axis2 internal data type, nothing you put in there is accepted by the 
axis2 engine.

Axis1.4 generates clean wsdl from the same source that is easily called from 

Is there something I'm missing here? 

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