On 9/25/06, robert lazarski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What does  http://localhost:7070/axis2/ show ?

The standard Axis2 Welcome page. Did you mean what does
/axis2/services/listServices show? I've pasted the contents of that
page below.

Interesting thing to note...the url is busted when I click on the name
of the service. Instead of "/axis2/services/<serviceName>?wsdl", the
links point to "/axis2/null/<serviceName>?wsdl"....this happens for
all services listed.


---- BEGIN /axis2/services/listServices OUTPUT ----

Available services
Service EPR : http://dkreft-2.desktop.company.com:7070/axis2/null/test
Service REST epr : http://dkreft-2.desktop.company.com:7070/axis2/rest/test
Service Description : test
Service Status : Active
Available operations

   * getObject
   * getString
   * getArrayOfStrings
   * getInt

Service EPR : http://dkreft-2.desktop.company.com:7070/axis2/null/version
Service REST epr : http://dkreft-2.desktop.company.com:7070/axis2/rest/version
Service Description : This service is to get the running Axis version
Service Status : Active
Available operations

   * getVersion

---- END /axis2/services/listServices OUTPUT ----

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