Title: Re: [Axis2] Help using AXIOMXPath
Re-sending the issue. Please respond how to expand referenced interfaces, using Java2WSDL.

From: Sonali J. Kanaujia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2006 9:31 PM
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Subject: Java2WSDL can't expand other interfaces referenced from an interface?


I'm using Axis 1.2.1 Java2WSDL tool on an interface that has methods that reference other interfaces. When I run the tool it complains that it can't convert the other interfaces to xml schema types as they are not beans classes (See error/warning below).

Is there any option/mechanism to auto-convert other interfaces to portTypes(?) and related xml schema elements as well, except converting all the referenced interfaces to impl bean classes.


Nov 8, 2006 3:23:44 PM org.apache.axis.wsdl.fromJava.Emitter writePartToMessage

WARNING: Please register a typemapping/beanmapping for [Lcom.sonicsw.bpel.service.mgmtapi.runtime.IProcessInstanceCounts;'
Nov 8, 2006 3:23:44 PM org.apache.axis.wsdl.fromJava.Types isBeanCompatible

WARNING: The class com.sonicsw.bpel.service.mgmtapi.runtime.IProcessInstanceCounts does not contain a default constructor, which is a requirement for a bean class.  The class cannot be converted into an xml schema type.  An xml schema anyType will be used to define this class in the wsdl file.

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