Assuming you are talking about the return envelope (from the service), you
should see something like


_returnMessageContext = _operationClient


                  org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPEnvelope _returnEnv =



In your stub's invocation method. You can use a _returnEnv.getHeader() call
to access the header.



From: hoy hoy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, December 01, 2006 2:40 PM
Subject: Re: how to get soap header from stub in axis2


I know how to add headers, via:


however, after the call is made;


I want to view the soap headers that are returned.  Using ethereal (network
sniffer) I can see the headers, but they are not exposed on the stub class.
There are no, stub.getHeader(...) methods that I can use, unless I need to
do something fancier?

How do I get the SOAPEnvelope from a Stub?  Eseentially, the stub is all I'm
working with or do I need to look elsewhere?

Thanks so much for your help Brennan! 


On 11/30/06, Brennan Spies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The SOAPEnvelope (which you create on the client or receive from the
service) has a getHeader() method for getting the SOAPHeader axiom class
that has the appropriate methods. The ServiceClient (class member in the
Stub) also has helper methods for adding SOAP headers.



From: hoy hoy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 1:55 PM
Subject: how to get soap header from stub in axis2


Hi all,

I'm using Axis 2 1.1 and have a stub that was generated from a WSDL.  The
soap call that I'm making returns SOAP headers, namely session information.
How can I retrieve those SOAP headers from my stub?  What methods or helper
classes do I need to use? 



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