Hi.  I'm jut getting started learning about web services, and I've
decided to use axis2.  I'm trying to figure out whether this choice
incurs any consequences.  I could have chosen from several other
platforms that support web service development, obviously.  From what
I can tell so far, it shouldnt matter, but I'm not that knowledgable
yet, so I'm asking for other people's advice.  My thinking goes
something like this:  if a web service publishses a WSDL, then the
client could be built on any web service technology that works with
WSDL -- correct?  The WSDL is a black box kind of thing and the
provider and the concsumer ( client ) are completely agnostic to one
another?  So, if I need to write a client to consumer a web service
that publishes a WSDL, I can use axis 100% of the time?  Is this true?

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