I made the modifications and posted both the updated code and updated commentary for the ADB example. Thanks for pointing this out! Let me know if you have any concerns about the updated commentary - I think the points are valid, but if you feel anything is overstated or in error I'm always willing to discuss. Hopefully you can take care of the issues raised in time for the Axis2 1.2 release.

 - Dennis

Dennis Sosnoski wrote:
Hi Ajith,

I didn't try out the ADB unwrapping, since my understanding was that it's not supported for 1.1.1. Looking at the 1.1.1 release notes, though, I see it says only that unwrapping of response messages is not included.

I just tried passing "-uw", and the results look reasonable - I'll modify the test code to match and post the results.

 - Dennis

Ajith Ranabahu wrote:
Hi Dennis,
A very good comparison and documentation. It's very nicely written and
includes all the information , from WSDL to code samples. Really good
work :)
BTW I am surprised to hear that ADB unwrapping did not work on the
WSDL. (I did not try it yet but just glancing at the WSDL it seems to
be compatible with ADB for unwrapping). Anyway I'll try out unwrapping
on the given WSDL and perhaps send it over by the weekend .

On 1/23/07, Dennis Sosnoski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've updated my previously posted JiBX example with ADB and XMLBeans
versions, all linked from the JiBX example page at
http://www.sosnoski.com/jibx-wiki/space/axis2-jibx/example (third
paragraph from the bottom has the links to the client code comparisons). I'll see about getting these examples added in to the Axis2 distribution
for the 1.2 release, and will also cover them in more depth in an
upcoming developerWorks article - so if you have any issues or
suggestions, please let me know.

  - Dennis

Dennis M. Sosnoski
SOA and Web Services in Java
Training and Consulting
http://www.sosnoski.com - http://www.sosnoski.co.nz
Seattle, WA +1-425-939-0576 - Wellington, NZ +64-4-298-6117

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