Paul Fremantle a écrit :

OMElement is the represenation of XML that Axis2 uses. It is similar to DOM.

Do you already have the XML in an object (DOM, SAX, StAX, String,
byte[]), or do you want to create the XML in your program?

There are answers for all of these but I figured it would be easier to
start with your scenario.


On 9/26/07, Fátima Milla Olaya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi, I want to exchange arbitrary XML documents with my webservice. In
the WSDL definition I use xsd:anytype and when I create the java classes
with wsdl2java the object is OMElement. How can I manage this object to
parse to an XML file? Thanks

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Thanks for the answer, my service sends the xml name and returns the corresponding xml document. I don't know how to do this with an OMElement. I have started to programme this but I don't know if it is correct.

* This file was auto-generated from WSDL
* by the Apache Axis2 version: 1.3  Built on : Aug 10, 2007 (04:45:47 LKT)
package com.evidian.www.filexmltransfer_wsdl;

import com.evidian.www.filexmltransfer_xsd1.*;

*  FilexmltransferSkeleton java skeleton for the axisService
public class FilexmltransferSkeleton {
    * Auto generated method signature
    * @param filename
   public com.evidian.www.filexmltransfer_xsd1.Filexml transfer(
       com.evidian.www.filexmltransfer_xsd1.Filename filename) {
       String fileName=filename.getFilename();
       OMElement omElem=null;
           //Create the new builder
           StAXOMBuilder doomBuilder = new StAXOMBuilder(fileName);
           //Get the document element
           omElem = doomBuilder.getDocumentElement();
       }catch (Exception e){
       Filexml fileXml=new Filexml();
       return fileXml;

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