AFAIK there is no documentation availble on JAX-ws support in existing axis2 releases. In order to try out a simple use case, please do the following.

1. Download an Axis2-Snapshot from

2. Create a directory, pojo at AXIS2_HOME/repository/

3. Update the following entry in axis2.xml
<deployer extension=".jar" directory="pojo" class="org.apache.axis2.deployment.POJODeployer"/>

4. Restart axis2server

5. Write a simple annotated pojo as below

package org.myservice.test;

import javax.jws.WebMethod;
import javax.jws.WebService;

@WebService(name= "AXIS2JAXWS_WS_TEST_Service", targetNamespace = "";)
public class axis2jaxwsservice {
@WebMethod (operationName = "echojaxwsString", action="urn:echoaction")
   public String echo(String s){
       return s;

6. Compile the above class with jdk15 and include it in a jar. Assume it is jaxwstest.jar

7. copy jaxwstest.jar in to AXIS2_HOME/repository/pojo directory

8. Access http://localhost:8080 and verify the service is deployed properly.

If the deployment is successful, write a client and invoke the service.

There is a sample jax-ws calculator included in AXis2_home/samples directory. That will also help you.


Ove Gram Nipen wrote:

Michele Mazzucco [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On 7 Dec 2007, at 11:56, Trasca Virgil wrote:
Using Axis is possible to expose methods as web-services in an
Java5 annots fashion?
Axis has features similar with what jax-ws2?

This sounds interesting. Do you have any pointers to documentation?

Charitha Kankanamge
WSO2 inc.
Flower Road, Colombo 07
+94 714268070

A bug in the hand is better than one as yet undetected

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