On 27 Feb 2008, at 05:15, Deepal Jayasinghe wrote:

So if we move to JDK 1.5 we can get better support , and I do not think any advantage of staying in 1.4 . If some user want to use Axis2 in JDK 1.4 they can happily use Axis2 1.3 , which is very stable version and working fine in 1.4 and 1.5.

If any user or developers have any concern on moving to JDK 1.5 please come forward and reply to this mail that will be very helpful for all of us.


Moving to Java 1.5 doesn't necessarily mean to abandon support for Java 1.4. I am currently working on a project for a company that still uses Java 1.4 (and I think there are lots of them). We needed a library to generate MS Project files, but the only one we could find was from an Open Source project that migrated to Java 1.5 a few releases ago. The code in this library makes use of generics and has a dependency on JAXB 2. What we did was to use retrotranslator (http://retrotranslator.sourceforge.net/ ) to translate the library as well as its dependencies (including JAXB 2) back to Java 1.4. The tool operates at bytecode level and supports all Java 5 constructs (generics, enums, annotations, etc.). It also emulates the most important parts of the Java API. We were able to use the library to generate MS Project XML files on a Java 1.4 VM without any problems, meaning that retrotranslator successfully backported the JAXB 2 RI to Java 1.4! There is also a plugin (retrotranslator-maven- plugin) that allows to generate Java 1.4 artifacts during Maven builds. Maybe this could be an option for Axis2?



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