I am trying to figure out how to add a SOAP header in my client-side

I have the following axis1 code, but need an axis2 equivalent:



    * Processes the header of a request message.  This method will add

    * session header to the outgoing request.


    * @param context the message context associated with the request


   private void invokeRequest( MessageContext context ) throws AxisFault


      Message msg = context.getRequestMessage();

      if (msg == null)

         throw new AxisFault( "Message not in context." );


      SOAPEnvelope env = msg.getSOAPEnvelope();


      SessionHeaderType sessionHeader =
WebServiceClientHelper.getThreadSessionHeader( );


      SOAPHeaderElement header = new SOAPHeaderElement(HEADER_NS,






The SessionHeaderType class was generated from a wsdl and contains
session credentials.


Any pointers to appropriate documentation on how to manipulate headers,
or sample code, would be appreciated.

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