
I've recently started looking at using the REST support in Axis2 to invoke
my web service instead of the currently used SOAP calls and I have a number
of issues I can't work out for myself.  Any help with these would be great. 
I've been using Axis2 version 1.3 (and then also tried 1.4 in the hope my
issues would be solved) and tcpmon to monitor the traffic between my test
client and my service running locally on tomcat at
http://localhost:8080/NicksGigs-war-Axis2/services/GigListingsService.  The
WSDL is created using java2wsdl and is attached.

I've read in another (old) post here that Axis2 is just a soap stack and any
incoming rest style messages are converted into soap messages first so that
they can then be processed. Is this still the case? Does this have a
performance hit? Is there anything in the documentation about this?

I'm using (unwrapped) ADB bindings generated by wsdl2java for my test
client, to use the rest style web calls with the bindings is it simply a
case of adding the line of code below into my client?
I want to clarify this since all the examples I have seen do not use

Is it possible to use both POST and GET when my operation parameters are all
simple types?  To change between the two transports is it simply a case of 
options.setProperty(Constants.Configuration.HTTP_METHOD, HTTP_METHOD_GET);
options.setProperty(Constants.Configuration.HTTP_METHOD, HTTP_METHOD_POST);

I've found that I can use POST with operations that have parameters but not
on those without parameters.  For example, a call to getGigsIn("London")
using HTTP_POST makes the following successful request:  
POST /NicksGigs-war-Axis2/services/GigListingsService HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8
SOAPAction: urn:getGigsIn
User-Agent: Axis2
Content-Length: 115


But a call to getMostActiveArtist() makes the following unsuccessful
POST /NicksGigs-war-Axis2/services/GigListingsService HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8
SOAPAction: urn:getMostActiveArtist
User-Agent: Axis2
Content-Length: 0

with received error:
<faultstring>The endpoint reference (EPR) for the Operation not found is
/NicksGigs-war-Axis2/services/GigListingsService and the WSA Action =

Why doesn't this work??

After setting the HTTP_METHOD to HTTP_GET I am unable to make any successful
calls to my service.  getGigsIn("London") gives:
GET /NicksGigs-war-Axis2/services/GigListingsService?param0=London HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;
SOAPAction: urn:getGigsIn
User-Agent: Axis2

xml:lang="en-US">The endpoint reference (EPR) for the Operation not found is
/NicksGigs-war-Axis2/services/GigListingsService and the WSA Action =

while getMostActiveArtist() gives:
GET /NicksGigs-war-Axis2/services/GigListingsService HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;
SOAPAction: urn:getMostActiveArtist
User-Agent: Axis2

And the same error response. 

Shouldn't the bindings be appending the operation name onto the end of the
endpoint for me?  If I explicitly set the endpoint to
it makes the following request:
GET /NicksGigs-war-Axis2/services/GigListingsService/getGigsIn?param0=London
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;
SOAPAction: urn:getGigsIn
User-Agent: Axis2

Which still gives an error, but this time:
xml:lang="en-US">Exception occurred while trying to invoke service method

If I simply go to
in my browser I get the correct response.

For me, one of the advantages of the generated bindings is not having to
worry about the contents of the WSDL; I shouldn’t have to know that the WSDL
says I must specify the "city" parameter in my query string for the
getGigsIn operation. Why are my ADB bindings setting "param0" instead?

Finally, the documentation specifies that Axis2 determines if an incoming
message is REST or SOAP by checking if "the content type is text/xml and if
the SOAPAction Header is missing".  If you examine the requests the
following headers are present for each method.
HTTP_GET: Both SOAPAction and "action" in Content-Type
SOAP: Just "action" in Content-Type

What is going on here, are these the correct headers? And what is the
"SOAPAction Header", is it "SOAPAction" or is it "action" in Content-Type!? 
I also found that when using POST I can even remove the SOAPAction header
but providing I ensure the Content-Type still contains “application/xml” I
will still receive the correct (non-soap) response from the service. 

I’m aware I might be doing something fundamentally wrong on the client side
(maybe you can’t use ADB bindings?) to get these results and I’d be very
grateful for any responses to any of these questions.

http://www.nabble.com/file/p19087933/example.wsdl example.wsdl 
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