

Thanks alot!

When I created my own ApplicationContextHolder everything worked.

Thanks for all your help, much appreciated after this has taken me alot more 
time then it probably should have.. :)






> Apart from this code, is spring and axis2 running together in your web
> service? I thought you said it was. I think I know what your are
> asking for, but without knowing what "TavernaBaseProfile" is doing,
> I'd be concerned that it creates two separate Spring worlds in your
> app - you probably don't want that. Anyways, with that caveat, if you
> just need "ApplicationContext" to pass into "TavernaBaseProfile" , I
> would do the following:
> Keep axis2 and spring as is, since its working. The idea behind the
> axis2 ApplicationContextHolder is a known way to get an
> ApplicationContext, and can be used outside axis2. So I think you
> should create your own. Its easy, and it seems far less confusing, at
> least to me, to use your own ApplicationContextHolder outside of axis2
> when using SpringServletContextObjectSupplier. So you'd need this xml
> in your Spring config:
> <!-- Use this trick to get access to Spring beans in junit and other places
> that are not spring aware
> -->
> <bean id="applicationContext"
> class="mypackage.spring.ApplicationContextHolder" />
> And this class in your app:
> package mypackage.spring;
> import org.springframework.beans.BeansException;
> import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
> import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware;
> /** Implementation of a Spring interface who is configured in Spring's
> * applicationContext.xml or some other Spring type of way. This class
> * and the spring bean needed to wire it could be used as an alternative
> * to getting the ApplicationContext from the ServletContext. It also can
> * be used to get access to spring beans in places like junit that are not
> * spring aware.
> */
> public class ApplicationContextHolder implements ApplicationContextAware {
> private static ApplicationContext appCtx;
> public ApplicationContextHolder() {}
> /** Spring supplied interface method for injecting app context. */
> public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext)
> throws BeansException {
> appCtx = applicationContext;
> }
> /** Access to spring wired beans. */
> public static ApplicationContext getContext() {
> return appCtx;
> }
> }
> Then instead of:
> ApplicationContext context = new
> RavenAwareClassPathXmlApplicationContext("context.xml");
> Do this:
> ApplicationContext ctx = ApplicationContextHolder.getContext();
> TavernaBaseProfile profile = new TavernaBaseProfile(context);
> Good luck,
> Robert

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