Rogan Creswick wrote:
Hash: SHA1

Rogan Creswick wrote:
Error: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Bad version number in
.class file at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method) at

I've been building with java 1.6, but I've been using the binary
releases of tomcat/axis/rampart, so there was a version incompatibility

From the error you're getting, it sounds like the real issue is that you're deploying to Tomcat running on a 1.5 JRE. You can still build with 1.6, but you need to tell the compiler to generate 1.5-compatible class files (-target 1.5 command line option for the Java compiler, target="1.5" attribute for <javac> Ant task, etc.).

 - Dennis

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