Egger Oliver wrote:
Hello,was somebody able to use the Java2WSDL and specifing a package to namespace argument? whatever I do I get the following error:[java] Java2WSDL emitter
[java] Error: Unable to parse first argument for option -p
[java] Usage: java org.apache.axis.wsdl.Java2WSDL [options] class-of-portType
[java] Options:as soon as I omit the parameter everything works fine (except that my packages get notmapped to the namespaces).I call java2WSDL the following (running under windows2000, using nighlybuild from 20020217 xml-axis)java2wsdl:
d:\jdk1.3.1_01\jre\..\bin\java.exe -classpath D:\src\ValoresKurse\QuoteServer\deploy;D:\src\ValoresKurse\QuoteServer\WEB
is\lib\log4j-20020217.jar;D:\tools\xml-axis\lib\wsdl4j.jar org.apache.axis.wsdl.Java2WSDL -o deploy\quoteservebyjava2wsdl.wsdl -lhttp://loca
lhost:8080/axis/services/QuoteServer -n urn:ecofin.quoteserver -p com.ecofin.vk.beans=urn:ecofin.quoteserver.types -i com.ecofin.vk.quoteser
ver.QuoteServerSoapBindingImpl com.ecofin.vk.quoteserver.QuoteServer
Java2WSDL emitter
Error: Unable to parse first argument for option -p
Usage: java org.apache.axis.wsdl.Java2WSDL [options] class-of-portType
Options:Any help or hints greatly appreciated!Best,OliverNEU: NZZ finfox, personal finance, die finanz- und
vermögensplanung für private http://finfox.nzz.chECOFIN Research and Consulting AG
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CH-8032 Zuerich
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