JAXM is a specification (NB. not an implementation) of two sets of
interfaces: javax.xml.soap and javax.xml.messaging.

Axis currently implements *some* of the javax.xml.soap interfaces, although
these are not mentioned in the list of published interfaces in the Axis
Users Guide as the job is only partly complete. I hope to implement the
other JAXM SOAP interfaces as a low-priority, background task, but would
welcome help from anyone who is keen to see them implemented sooner.

There is also an Axis to-do item to implement javax.xml.messaging, but
no-one has agreed to take that on.


                      "L Rutker"                                                       
                      <lrutker@hotmail.        To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]      
                      com>                     cc:                                     
                                               Subject:  What is the Relationship 
between JAXM and AXIS?                             
                      22/04/02 20:31                                                   
                      Please respond to                                                

What is the Relationship between JAXM and AXIS?
Does AXIS use JAXM? etc etc


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