We have an implementation whereby we use java:RPC with style=document
and the operation is identified by soap action URI. And we hack the
RPCProvider to make sure marshalling is done. 

Steve, do u think such a thing should make it to the axis code base. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Loughran [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 2:27 PM
Subject: Re: Document style web services

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dennis Sosnoski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 1:03 PM
Subject: Re: Document style web services

> Does Axis support automatic marshalling of document-style messages? I
> was under the impression it does not, which was why I suggested a
> DataBindingProvider might be useful to add this support.

It had better, otherwise there would be a lot more interop bugreps
.net than now, as .net defaults to doc/lit

> I agree that
> document-style is a better approach for the future, though I'd hardly
> call it a "predominant consensus" at this point. AFAIK document style
> interfaces are not as widely supported as RPC style, though, and I'm
> surprised to see your statement that most SOAP implementations support
> automatic marshalling for document style. Can you give me any figures
> for this?

MS soap toolkit: rpc/enc by default, can do doc/lit
.NET ASMX: doc/lit, can do rpc/enc with the loss of the DataSet class
only goes over as doc/lit
.NET remoting: dont know. May well be rpc/enc
.Axis: rpc/enc is default, can do doc/lit though this needs more work.
includes documentation

I think the fact that the early toolkits are biased to rpc/enc may be a
historical artifact; in soap0.9, rpc/enc was all there was, and it is
as XSD support has grown that doc/lit becomes viable. But there are also
some ideological issues, the split between 'SOAP as a verbose RPC
marshalling layer', that JAX-RPC views it, and 'SOAP as asynchronous XML
message exchange', which is really where we should (IMHO) be going on
account of scalability and long-haul benefits. Axis isnt there yet, and
code seems biased towards JAX-RPC. Though this is not necessarily a
of the developer; unless they get into reading the soap specs, they will
probably go with whatever the toolkit gives them.

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