My Apache/AxKit (Apache/1.3.29 (Unix) (Gentoo/Linux) AxKit/1.61 mod_perl/1.27 mod_ssl/2.8.16 OpenSSL/0.9.6k configured) has a habit of randomly stuffing up the encoding of my XSP output. On one request i get nice utf-8, on the next i apparently get jumbled chars, e.g.

This issueâ??s feature article, Esther Milneâ??s
â??Magic Bits of Paste-board: Texting in the Nineteenth
Centuryâ??, explores the notion of telepresenceâ??substitution
of the text for the corporeal bodyâ??through a consideration
of nineteenth-century visiting cards, those â??complex
cultural avatarsâ?? that â??conveyed the desires of
class and gender in the construction of identityâ??.

instead of

This issue’s feature article, Esther Milne’s
“Magic Bits of Paste-board: Texting in the Nineteenth
Century”, explores the notion of telepresence—substitution
of the text for the corporeal body—through a consideration
of nineteenth-century visiting cards, those “complex
cultural avatars” that “conveyed the desires of
class and gender in the construction of identity”.

The output of AxTrace is always perfect utf-8 for all stages of the pipeline. My browser always reports the meta info as

text/html; charset=utf-8

I have seen this in IE and mozilla. I am running gentoo linux with perl 5.8.0. My theory is that over time, one or two instances of the server get the garble bug and once they have it, they keep doing it. Restarting the server gets rid of the problem for a little while.

Any hints? Advice? Similar observations?


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