Hi all!

I'm experiencing a problem I haven't seen before, that apparently has 
something to with SAXHandler. To go right to the source of the error, I see 
this line in my Perl XSP:
        AxKit::XSP::SAXHandler = HASH(0x8511008);
That's of course causing a error:
[Wed Jan 21 11:24:29 2004] [error] [client] [AxKit] [Error] 
Undefined subroutine 
called at (eval 64) line 211.

...and the problem (now) is understanding how it got in there... 

I have a user taglib, using SimpleTaglib, and what I'm doing is checking if 
the user is authorized to view certain parts of the page, like this:
      <user:is-authorized authlevel="5">
          <input type="text" name="sectionid">
            <xsp:attribute name="value"><param:sectionid/></xsp:attribute>
          <input type="hidden" name="sectionid" value="subqueue"/>

The problem occurs at the end of this code:
                $parent->setAttribute(q|type|,  q|hidden|);
                $parent->setAttribute(q|name|,  q|sectionid|);
                $parent->setAttribute(q|value|, q|subqueue|);
                $parent = $parent->getParentNode;
            } ## end if ($attr_authlevel > ...
        AxKit::XSP::SAXHandler = HASH(0x8511008);

Another weird thing is that I ran the very same code on my workstation at home 
with no problems. The underlying AxKit is not quite in sync with my home 
machine at this laptop I use for travel, but this one should general be very 

I've grepped through a lot of code to see where the problematic line is 
entering the XSP, but I really haven't found anything at all... 

Any hints on where to start?



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