I do this. I organise site to a dev and release directory as follows:

-- dev
   + htdocs
       all of site content
   + perl
       all of the site's perl taglibs & modules

-- release
   + htdocs
       all of site content
   + perl
       all of the site's perl taglibs & modules

so I can have one such tree for development, and one for the main server. Setting INC in httpd.conf for both systems lets them look at the correct versions of your perl libraries. Putting most of the apache config in .htaccess files in the directory structure saves maintaining two httpd.conf files.

I then run two instances of httpd, the production one listening
on port 80, configured from .../release/httpd.conf and the
dev one on port X configured from  ..../dev/httpd.conf. This
way you can restart the dev server as much as you like without
effecting the main site's access. You get to look at the dev
site as http://www.you.com:X/ where X is the port you chose.

Works OK for me.


The problem I'm trying to address is that I have only one machine, and I need to use it for both a production server (albeit not one that is making money...), and a demo server. Most of the software would be identical, the Apache server and AxKit for example, and I can live with

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