Lo all,

I am generating xml using apache filter and cgi.
I can make a choice in the cgi as to what stylesheets to send into
the axkit pipeline.
This is all well and good when I am generating for the screen, but
how do I go about using the same cgi to choose a stylesheet for 
handheld etc?
Is there some way of getting at the logic used in httpd.conf for the
device settings ?

Basically, what I am after is the flexibilty of the httpd.conf setup, wrt
styles etc, but using cgi as the xml source.

Would I be better off using xsp and writing a taglib?

atm, the user fills in a bit of a form, the params are passed via url.
They are processed and depending on the users input, a particular 
page is sent back.
If in the cgi I could say, don't use me as the source, but use this cgi 
instead, I could use httpd.conf <files> to handle it all, is this 



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