On 14 Jun 2004 at 11:38, Also Sprach David Nolan:

> --On Monday, June 14, 2004 3:27 PM +0100 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Should AxNoCache be on or off for a production server?

> Is your content very dynamic?  If so, it may be less useful.  If you never 
> serve the exact same content twice, caching the content is actually a waste 
> of time.

It is totally dynamic.

> If you're primarily doing a web-application (which is what I do with 
> AxKit), you probably want caching off, because you may want the data source 
> to be queried again, as there may be side effects generated by the act of 
> viewing fetching a particular URL.

Ah ok.
AxNoCache yes it is then...

> the first query by re-writing your XSLT/XSP.  For example, if your XML is 
> large and you're doing a lot of searching through it in your XSLT, using 
> xslt:key may vastly improve your performance.

Oh, never heard of it.
I'll have a look into it tho.


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