On lørdag 17. juli 2004, 00:59, fess wrote:
> Ok, this could be wrong, but it should get you thinking.  :)


> AxKit sees /news/submit, and passes on it.
> mod_rewrite sees /new/submit and rewrites it.
> AxKit already declined, so apache chooses another handler. the
> default.

Right, it sounds reasonable to me!

The really weird thing is that it works for Mike... 

> so various trickery can get around this but it's subtle.
> I suggest reading up on the apache phases.  and figuring what axkit
> is doing in each one.

Uhm, yeah... :-) 

> I ended up writing a PerlTypeHandler in which I changed the uri and
> declined the request,
> for that uri space though I had to SetHandler to perl, PerlHandler
> AxKit and PerlTypeHandler to my
> special uri translating module.
> hope that gives you a direction to look.

It does! Thank you very much!

> sorry i don't recall immediately the correct magick.

That's OK! The mod_rewrite docs contains very clear warnings about 
voodoo, so I can't claim that I didn't know what I was getting 
into... :-)


Kjetil Kjernsmo
Astrophysicist/IT Consultant/Skeptic/Ski-orienteer/Orienteer/Mountaineer
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