A continuacion tenemos un informe sobre practicas relativas
a los Derechos Humanos en el Perú por el Departamento de
Estado norteamericano. Mando solo parte del capitulo
dedicado a los pueblos indígenas. En lo que nos interesa,
préstese atencion al asunto de los maestros rurales sin
acreditacion, y como su situacion legalmente precaria
supuso un contratiempo añadido a la ya exigua politica
de educacion biligüe.

Alex Condori

999 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices

Released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights,
and Labor U.S. Department of State, February 25, 2000


Indigenous People

The Constitution prohibits discrimination based on race and provides for the
right of all citizens to speak their native language. Nevertheless, the
large indigenous population still faces pervasive discrimination and social
prejudice. Many factors impede the ability of indigenous people to
participate in, and facilitate their deliberate exclusion from,
decision-making directly affecting their lands, culture, traditions, and the
allocation of natural resources. According to indigenous rights groups, the
provisions in the 1993 Constitution and in subsequent implementing
legislation regarding the treatment of native lands are less explicit about
their inalienability and unmarketability than were earlier constitutional
and statutory protections. Pervasive discrimination and social prejudice
intensify feelings of inferiority and second-class citizenship. Many
indigenous people lack such basic documents as a birth certificate or a
voter's registration card that normally would identify them as full citizens
and enable them to play an active part in society.

Peruvians of Indian descent who live in the Andean highlands speak Aymara
and Quechua, which are recognized as official languages. They are also
ethnically distinct from the diverse indigenous groups that live on the
eastern side of the Andes and in the tropical lowlands adjacent to the
Amazon basin. A 1998 regulation stipulating that all school teachers must
have a professional teaching certification initially caused fears that
uncertified indigenous teachers would lose their jobs, and that the
continued use of Aymara and Quechua as languages of instruction, as well as
the very survival of indigenous cultures, had been put in jeopardy; however,
due to the unwillingness of many certified teachers to work in rural areas,
uncertified Aymara- and Quechua-speaking teachers continue on the job.


Lista de discusión Aymara 


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