
Baptisms not yet complete for all 9 islands (just so you and others's still a work in progress).

1) Go to:
2) Right column: Click Registos Paroquias (Parish Registers)
3) Next window lists what is currently available.  Click on the council that
you want.
4) Next window will list what has been put online.  Look for your
freguesia/village, then the word "Batismos" and then to the very right it
says "Ver" (to see).  Click that.

After that I don't know what to tell you as there appears to be a problem
when the I.T. guys uploaded the newer Terceira indices.  Someone said the
problem was reported and the CCA acknowledged it.  Hopefully, they will get
it fixed this coming week.


Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, R. das Tainhas,

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