Can someone please look up 2 marriage records for me on Vitalsearch?

Vitor Lucio de Figueiredo aka Vito Figueiredo or combination thereof.
He came to US in 1887, so sometime between then and 1895 when his
first child was born he married.   I have found him in 1895 directory
living at both 460 2nd and 268 9th St. in Oakland CA so his first
marriage probably occurred in Oakland.  I have found him in 1900
living in San Francisco with the family of James Glover and he is
listed as brother in law and widow BUT I think the Glover family might
have been from his 2nd wife.  I have found his kids Jennie b. April
1895 and Joseph b. 1900 listed as niece and nephew living with a James
Gavigan family and I am wondering if this might have been his 1st
wife's family?  Very confusing.  Nonetheless, can someone please help
me sort this out.  I am interested in info on him in the marriage

Also, Ancestry does not seem to have the ship's manifest for the ship
Moses B. Tower listed, at least I cannot find them. Victor's
application for passport request says he came into Providence August

Thank you.

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